Office of Family Engagement

At Barnard, we believe parents and guardians are our partners as we work together to empower students to make the most of their college careers and chart their own paths.

Family Engagement at Barnard

The Office of Family Engagement, staffed by Director Katelyn Dutton '14, supports Barnard students by helping their parents, guardians, and supporters navigate college life. We strive to educate family members about Barnard, Columbia, and life at university in general. Whether you are curious about resources on and off campus, policies, academics, or upcoming events, the Office of Family Engagement keeps you informed so that we can help you help your students thrive at college.


Family Weekend 2024

We look forward to welcoming you to Barnard’s Family Weekend, which will take place on Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26, 2024. These dates mirror Columbia’s Family Days and Homecoming. We are partnering with the Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life and others on programming, as this weekend aligns with a Jewish holiday. 

Family Weekend is an annual tradition at Barnard and provides the opportunity to engage in many facets of life of the College and gain a deeper understanding of the student experience. We warmly invite parents, family members, and supporters of Barnard students in all class years to attend. For more information, visit the Family Weekend webpage.

Reach out

What can I help with? Contact the Director of Family Engagement at or 212.854.8424